Four Horsemen is one of the mixed drinks that you can definitely label as a “masculine drink.” It’s made for this specific purpose, so the list of components reflects this. Let’s take a look at four distinct “Four Horsemen drink ingredients” recipes to learn about this drink!
Four Horsemen Drink Ingredients
If you and your crew can’t settle on a single whiskey type, Four Horsemen is an option that lets you have four at once! Let’s explore the 4J rule on Four Horsemen drink ingredients to find out what you need to make the delicious mix.
1. Bourbon:
The first J in the 4J rule is Jim Beam Bourbon! It is very commonly sold, so you will have a very easy time trying to get it at the store. It will also be recommended to you if you tell the distributor that you’re making mixed drinks.
This liqueur has a very pleasant nutty and floral smell to give you a start of a great tasting session. When you actually drink the Bourbon, it sends your palette on a sweet and sour adventure that the Four Horsemen will need in the final product.
You will be able to feel a note of woody bitterness in the mid-taste, too, as the smell has suggested. Jim Beam’s aftertaste is a lingering sweetness and spiciness at the end of your throat. The alcohol itself is not exactly outstanding, but it’s a great addition to your mix!
2. Scotch:
The next J in the 4J rule of Four Horsemen drink ingredients is Johnnie Walker’s Black Label Scotch Whiskey. If you’re not getting this bottle for making Four Horsemen or other cocktails, the scotch whiskey is still a great purchase as a party opener.
As soon as you pop open the bottle, you are welcomed with a rustic charred oak aroma. Afterward, the taste of butterscotch candy and pecan serves as a platform for the peat’s smoky and velvety feel to fill your mouth. Even when you have already swallowed the sip, the peat smoke remains palpably on your tongue, concluding the taste.
Black Label Scotch Whiskey itself is a great welcoming liqueur for those who want to enter the world of smokey peat drinks. Adding this particular Scotch will give your Four Horsemen mix the necessary tinge of sweetness for sure!
3. Irish Whiskey:
The shimmering citrine Jameson Irish Whiskey is what you need for the third J of the 4J rule. The bottle has been described as “as Irish as you can get”, and no bottle has since come close to such a statement. As one of the Four Horsemen drink ingredients, it serves to further accentuate the two previous two liqueurs.
The Irish Whiskey itself continues the trend of butterscotch candy from the Scotch Whiskey. But it picks up that pace and introduces more chocolatey flavors and cocoa goodness right after. If anything, the Irish Whiskey brings forth more fruity notes than the other two liqueurs.
Even though it smells rather citrusy and refreshingly fruity on your nose, the alcohol’s aftertaste is very sweet, as if it is honey. This is another one of those must-haves in your winery and pantry as a whole!
4. Tennessee Whiskey:
Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey is the fourth and last J of the 4J rule and the list of Four Horsemen drink ingredients. The brand is no stranger to those in and out of the bar, so there is no wondering if it is versatile enough to star in our mix!
Different from its companions, the whiskey’s sweetness is akin to that of corn syrup instead of candy or honey. The liqueur also lives up to its brand’s signature licorice note, encouraging the trend of letting you explore more as you continue to drink and experiment with it.
Like Bourbon, the liqueur ends with a woody taste, though it leans more into coffee’s aroma than typical smokewood. It is always an adventure to dig into Jack Daniel’s Black Label Tennessee Whiskey’s complex taste, and it makes a great addition to the mix you’ve currently have, too.
Once you have gathered all the Four Horsemen drink ingredients, you can start to chill them and mix later. Four Horsemen is typically drunk from a shot glass, so refrain from introducing ice to the mix to avoid dilution!
To Sum Up
When you reach for Four Horsemen drink ingredients, keep in mind that the mix is very strong, perhaps too strong for some. Consume the mixed drink with caution, and you will be able to enjoy Four Horsemen without consequences! If you have any difficulties while making any of these mixes, let us know!